Do You Let Your Fears Make Your Choices?

Let’s start with a love story. I am sitting in a cafe in Den Haag, enjoying a rainy afternoon in the Netherlands the best possible way – coffee and chocolate cake. Over at the next […]
Let’s start with a love story. I am sitting in a cafe in Den Haag, enjoying a rainy afternoon in the Netherlands the best possible way – coffee and chocolate cake. Over at the next […]
When I got invited to speak about the ways we create ownership in Digital Society School at an event byLRN21, I was frankly confused — what does our organisation have to do with ownership? We work with […]
Have you seen those articles titled something like “This habit changed my life” or “5 habits to transform yourself” and so on? Well, this is not one of them. I am not going to tell […]
What are the practices you need to develop in order to embrace the mess that the world is and grow your business with it? I love working with social entrepreneurs – the people who start […]
At the beginning of the year many of us are committed to building new habits or changing something in their lives. How are you keeping up with it so far? The chances are, you’ve already […]
This is a little guide I’ve put together to help you out reflect on the past year and set some intentions for the next year. Download it, print it out and explore the life you […]
You learn from your stories and your stories about learning! Learning Tales is your monthly development plan in your inbox! If you’ve subscribed to my mailing list, once a month you will be the first one […]
If you have to know anything about me at all it is that I dance. I dance home alone, I dance at my work, I dance while washing the floor, I dance on the streets […]
Do you think that people have one big true love? One soul mate that we need to find, recognise and to live happily ever after? I don’t. But recently I realised that I believe in […]
The title sounds like a title from a food blog, so if you came here to read about the nutritious and biological qualities of coffee, you can leave now. Still here? Good! What I am […]